Hope everyone had a good 2008; I’m back in the studio and painting away with gusto… working to make 2009 the year of the abstract! I’ve got a web update all ready to be posted with the pieces that were sold at Palette to Palate and have another 2 brand new pieces from 2009 to […]
Working on new pieces with a distinctly ‘fall’ colorscheme lately, I blame the weather. As promised, pictures from Palette to Palate and a write-up of the event are now available to see on the recently added “Exhibitions and Shows” page. Click the new link on the header to read about it!
Palette to Palate is finished and, if I may say so myself, was a success! The food was amazing and I was so thankful for the wonderful compliments on the art I received. Getting to talk to people about my work was very special and exciting, so thank you very much to everyone who attended. […]
Heading up to 9/28, I’ve been working on several more of the “internal landscape” abstracts: tentatively titled Peel and Veritas II are completed, with the very tentatively titled The Lost currently on the easel. I’m also working on the ‘self-portrait,’ painted for the main course of the event, which is making good progress; I won’t […]
“Palette to Palate” is a unique event combining the visual arts with the culinary arts. Chef Porter, owner and chef of Tapino Kitchen & Wine Bar, is creating a five course dinner event, with passed hors d’oeuvres, based on my abstract series “Emotional Abstraction: The Flowing Landscapes of Internal Worlds.” Chef Porter is one of […]
Posted in Artstuff | Tagged Art event |
Here’s a photo of my current workspace during the creation of ‘Overture.’
With some trepidation but a healthy dose of determination (and encouragement) I’ve started a self portrait; into which I’m planning to incorporate not only my current abstract style but more identifiable nods to artists/styles that influence my work. Also working to complete another 6 or so paintings in the abstract series; some square shapes, which […]
There are some very exciting things in the works at the moment… look for higher quality photos of my paintings, including a few new ones, and news on a big new project! Meanwhile, check out Tapino Kitchen & Wine Bar in Scottsdale, AZ for good food and a great place to have a drink. 🙂
And another update as a sign of life! I’m putting all my energy into painting as the goal of completing the ‘inner landscape’ series approaches and with the full on start of the second series ‘ambiguous gestures.’ I’m also working to get a standardized pricing structure for commissions to post on the site and work […]
Thought I’d toss an update up:One new abstract piece is ready to be photographed, but since I’m so far through another I’m planning to do a batch of pictures and updates all at once. On the advice of a few people I’ll be doing more of the silhouette paintings… in a series tentatively titled “Ambiguous […]