The Artist

Artist’s Statement

“The body of my work is a self-portrait.
   Like many artists, I want my journey through life to be truthful and individual. After all, it is within the individual that truth is most easily found and the further from myself that I look for this path, the further I will have to travel to find it.
   As with those before me, I have found the emotional cost of individuality to be high. Rather than being a ‘reed in the wind,’ bending and compromising and doing deals to survive, the individual can be unyielding and brittle and unbending and, once in a while, endure and change the world.
   It would be easy to yield and become lost in the craziness and the noise. Painting gives me a voice, a way to discuss that journey and that cost. It is an outlet to say what I profoundly require; I can talk about this truthful journey, but I feel best when I paint about it. I need each of my pictures to tell the story of my journey… that being an individual means making a decision and taking action, finding the truth and then taking responsibility- paying the ferryman.
   The body of my work is a self-portrait and the quality of my being is in my painting.

   Why contemporary abstract art? Because information elicits conclusions, while emotion demands action.”

About the Artist

Alexandra S. FitzGerald was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ and moved to the Bay Area in 2007. She attended the University of Arizona in Tucson until 2003, where she participated in the Fine Arts program with an emphasis in painting and printmaking. Recently she has been working with Golden acrylics as her primary medium.

Alexandra S FitzGerald

  • Abstract Art by Alexandra FitzGerald


  • Alexandra FitzGerald
    Abstract Fine Artist

    Thank you for your interest. Digital and physical portfolios are available upon request via email or telephone. Most pieces displayed here are for sale, prices are listed with each painting if available. Information regarding prints and shipping can be requested via email.

    Alexandra is also available for commission abstract work, please email or telephone for a quote.

    Santa Clara, CA | Scottsdale, AZ
    Tel: 408.516.6393 | Email

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