Selected Work

Flood Revelation Tranquility Natalie

Wanderland Penumbra Overture Imago

Pearlescent Legerdemain The Lost Peel

Veritas  (Diptych) Oblivion The Long Wait

Closing In Whatever Things Fall What Flows Without The Long Slide Down

This Heavy Veil

  • Abstract Art by Alexandra FitzGerald


  • Alexandra FitzGerald
    Abstract Fine Artist

    Thank you for your interest. Digital and physical portfolios are available upon request via email or telephone. Most pieces displayed here are for sale, prices are listed with each painting if available. Information regarding prints and shipping can be requested via email.

    Alexandra is also available for commission abstract work, please email or telephone for a quote.

    Santa Clara, CA | Scottsdale, AZ
    Tel: 408.516.6393 | Email

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    Please use the image below to link to us. Abstract Fine Art by Alexandra Fitzgerald | Imago Abstracts


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